Vatican Site On You Tube :
This is a site which has been set up by the Vatican so you can remain up to date on the happenings and statements by the Pope.
Catholic Tube :
Catholic Tube - Catholic Video Blog description: Catholic Tube is a growing Catholic video blog that is updated 2 - 3 times a day with some of the best Catholic videos on the internet. If you are looking for more specific things, the site is also broken down into Channels. Each Channel has a specific theme, and the videos for the channel stick to the theme's topic
Huron Superior Board of Education :
This site is an avenue to the board website as well as the individual schools with the board. You can use this site to see the activities of your child's school as well as keeping up to date on the developments of the board.
Sisters of St. Joseph Sault Ste. Marie :
This is the official website for the Sisters of St. Joseph, whose Mother House is located in North Bay. It gives information related the the Sisters as well as their role played in our diocese.
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops :
This is an excellent site for information related to the Canadian Catholic Church, it's policies, programs and responses to the changes in Canadian society.
Group Health Centre :
As well as dealing with our spiritual life it is important to have information for our health. This is an excellent site for starting to find information on the latest developments in our health community as well as information on many different ailments.
Shalom Place: This site is now updated and will provide you with the various program offered by Shalom Place in the former Mount St. Joseph College on Ontario St, SSM